PredictWind Marine Weather & Wind Forecasting Software
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Why PredictWind?
PredictWind is top-of-the-line weather and wind forecasting software with full GRIB file viewer and requester, weather routing, departure planning, and more.
Planning your trip with a good wind weather forecast is one of the most important aspects in sailing. Whether you are cruising around the coast or heading offshore, PredictWind will help make your passage safer, faster and more comfortable.
Detailed Forecasts for your Local Area
Most marine forecasts give you a generalised wind forecast in the morning or the afternoon. PredictWind shows wind weather updates every hour, with a wind speed and direction map for your entire local area. The detail you can see in the marine forecast can help you plan your trip or possibly help you win your next yacht race.
Forecast Confidence
By offering the leading global models, best regional models, and the high resolution PredictWind models, you can have a higher degree of confidence in the forecasts provided by PredictWind.
Satellite Connectivity

Using PredictWind with XGate satellite data services gives you world-leading weather and wind forecasting, chart plotting, GRIB downloading, and departure planning – with almost every satellite phone on the planet. Requires active PredictWind Standard or Professional subscription to access forecasts over satellite.
Learn More About XGate
It’s easy to get started with PredictWind, and once you’re going, you’ve got a full range of weather forecasting, predicting, and plotting right at your fingertips.
Outstanding Accuracy
Proven technology with the highest resolution model on the web. The forecast model is exclusive to PredictWind!
Detailed Forecasts for your Local Area
Most marine forecasts give you a generalised wind forecast in the morning or the afternoon. PredictWind shows wind weather updates every hour, with a wind speed and direction map for your entire local area. The detail you can see in the marine forecast can help you plan your trip or possibly win your next yacht race.
Live Wind Observations
Get access to Real data from 15,000 live stations across the globe. Let us know some of your favorite wind observation sites in your local area, and we will do our best to add them to the PredictWind site.
Departure Planning
What is the best day for depart on your next trip coastal or offshore passage? You will be spanning different weather patterns, and this powerful tool will quickly summarize the wind conditions you will receive if you left on Day1, Day2, Day3, or Day4. Simply drag the start and destination waypoints on the Google Map, the weather routing algorithm will calculate the fastest route (avoiding the land) and summarize the forecast wind data for the next 4 days of departure.
Weather Routing
Simply drag the start and end waypoints on the Google map, and the PredictWind server will calculate the fastest route or the most comfortable route for your boat using the high resolution 1km-8km or the global 50km resolution forecasts. The comfortable route allows you to avoid sailing upwind in strong winds. You decide your tolerance level, and the PredictWind routing algorithm will do its best to avoid these areas. You simply need to select a polar curve that matches your boat, or customize your own polar curve and the optimal route is calculated for all 4 forecasts.
Forecast Confidence
A weather model is only as good as the information entered into the model. PredictWind uses two data sources for the model producing two alternative forecasts for comparison. The closer the wind forecast, the more confidence you can have in the PredictWind wind forecast.