Can I pay in advance?
Yes, you can pay in advance by credit card/debit card for any amount you would like and this will be applied to your account as a credit balance. Any future invoices will be deducted from your credit balance until the credit runs out. Please call our friendly Customer Care team to arrange on +1 865 379 8723.
I have received my first invoice and the charge is more than I was expecting, why is this?
When you activate midway through a current month, the rate is prorated from the date of activation to the end of the month. At the beginning of the next month, you will receive an invoice with the prorated amount for the first month and the full access fee for that month.
What is the difference between monthly and Annual postpaid plans?
Monthly Plans
With monthly plans, you pay a one-time activation fee (generally $50) for the ability to activate and deactivate service on a monthly basis. You can deactivate your number and pay a small fee (generally $5/month) to keep your number while it is inactive so that you can use it again when you reactivate your service.

Annual Plans
With annual plans, you commit to purchase service for 12 continuous months and activation is free.

What is the difference between Prepaid and Postpaid plans?
Prepaid Plans
Prepaid plans let you purchase a set amount of usage, usually in minutes, that's good over a period of time. For example, a popular prepaid plan lets you buy 500 minutes good for up to 12 months. At the end of 12 months, you either lose any minutes you haven't used or need to buy another prepaid plan and can roll over remaining minutes.

Prepaid plans are simple but have several disadvantages:

  • They cannot use local numbers like monthly or annual postpaid plans.
  • If your prepaid plan expires, you cannot get the same number again.
  • If you need it during an emergency and you run out of airtime it might be inconvenient to add more airtime, for example, after a hurricane.
  • Pricing is generally more expensive than monthly or annual plans.

    That said, prepaid remains a good option if you know exactly when, where, and how much airtime you need, have credit challenges, or will be handing the phone to someone you don't trust to use a reasonable amount of airtime. For almost all people, however, Pulsar monthly or annual plans are more affordable and more convenient

    Monthly and Annual Postpaid Plans

    Pulsar postpaid plans are either monthly or annual. They give a certain amount of value per month, and when call or text the amount is deducted from the included value, or added as a per-minute or per-text charge if you use more than the included value. This has several advantages.

  • With Pulsar postpaid plans you can get a truly local number for your satellite phone. It works just like a cell phone number, letting you make and receive calls and text messages easily.
  • Monthly plans are more flexible: They can be deactivated any time after the first month. You can keep your number for a small fee when your service is deactivated and use it again whenever you're ready.
  • Monthly plans are more convenient: If you have an emergency, you never run out of minutes.
  • Monthly plans are controlled: we can add alerts at your request when you use more than a certain amount of minutes to protect you from runaway usage using our Pulsar satellite management service.
  • Monthly plans are generally more affordable, even for short-term usage. It's generally a better value to subscribe to a monthly plan for 3 or 6 or 12 months than it is to buy a 3- or 6- or 12-month prepaid plan.